Make it Count
with Crystal
Welcome 🤍
Hi friend! I'm so glad you are here. My mission is to help as many police wives and busy moms as possible to achieve their health, fitness & financial goals using the Make it Count Method, all while living life and never giving up the things you love. I was lucky enough to learn to make it count through my fitness business & I love paying that forward.
I'm SO excited to work with you in our fit fam, or as a coach on my team 🫶🏻
About Crystal Schmidt
I am a teacher by trade, a police wife, and a mom to three girls. Six years ago, I was working full time teaching 3rd grade, had a husband that worked six 16 hour shifts a week, and had 3 young kids. I was feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and not like myself. I didn't even know who I was anymore. I was doing the solo parent police wife life the majority of the time, so escaping the house was not an option. I found this 'workout at home thing' and decided to give it a shot. Six years later, I'm more obsessed with it than I was when I first started. I'm here to help YOU find you, be confident in yourself again, and help you wear those dang shorts!
To be honest, I used to talk smack on those in network marketing. I would talk against them, but deep down I was envious and always wondered if I could do it too...
After 18 months of working out and learning nutrition for myself, I decided it was time for me to help others do the same.
I have been a coach for over 4 years now, I lead a successful team of incredible women & we are making an impact on this world. We are helping people regain their health, find community, and financial success, all while having fun.
I'm so grateful I was brave enough to change my mind & jump in! I'm here to help you do the same!